Tongue/Lip Tie Release
Every exam will check for the presence of a potential tongue tie (ankyloglossia) or upper lip tie. Every child has a frenum or thin piece of skin that attaches to the upper lip near the front two teeth and the tongue to the floor of the mouth. There are cases where this tissue is too tight and should be released to allow proper function of the tongue and lips. These tethered oral tissues (TOTs) can cause breastfeeding issues in infants as well as problems with speech, feeding, and sleep in our older patients. TOTs affect each child differently so we evaluate the function of each patient based on their individual symptoms and, of course, only treat if necessary.
During Exams
Frenectomy Information
Our frenectomies are performed using a laser that will release the tongue or lip ties. We offer numbing and sedation dentistry, but typically only numbing jelly is needed as the lasers are minimally invasive and the procedure only takes a few minutes. The laser seals dental nerves and blood vessels on contact so there is typically very little bleeding or pain.
There will be stretches to perform at home to encourage proper healing that we will instruct you on how to do. Please call our office if you have concerns that your child has a tongue or lip tie!